Incolmotos Yamaha > Cruise Control System

Cruise Control System

12 agosto, 2021

Revs Your Heart – Explore the world of Yamaha motorcycles

What are the benefits of a cruise control system?

When out touring, riders often like to maintain a constant speed if cruising on the highway. However, changes in the road gradient, wind and other factors can make it difficult to constantly ride at a set speed using partial throttle, sometimes leading to fatigue. A cruise control system eliminates this inconvenience and makes the journey on a highway more enjoyable.

It depends on the model, but if conditions are met while riding at speeds of over 50 or 60 km/h, the cruise control can be set to automatically maintain a steady speed for comfortable riding over long distances.

The cruise control can also be used on normal public roads and can prevent unintentional increases in speed caused by the area’s terrain.
 After a speed is set, the speed can be increased or decreased in increments with single pushes of a switch or continuously by holding down the switch. Operating the brakes or closing the throttle and then moving it further backward disables the cruise control. After it has been disabled, the system can easily be reset to the previous speed set using its “Resume” function


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